Ministry to Women


Mother’s Day and the anticipation of the Hospitality Home Tour provided a special day to honor the women in our congregation.  The care, togetherness and fellowship felt as we gather is exhibited in these smiles above.  We look forward to many more connection events as we seek to share the love of Christ in our community.

Community Event


The Hydesville Community Church sponsored the William Jessup University Choir and Orchestra this past May 3rd at the River Lodge.  Other area churches were invited as we enjoyed an amazing evening of outstanding music from this quality institution.  It is inspiring to see young adults working hard to prepare themselves for a life of ministry and service.  It was an excellent evening.  We hope you will join us next year.


staffThrivecloseup Welcome to the blog site of Hydesville COMMUNITY Church.  We hope you will find encouragement and resources for your own personal journey with Christ as well as creating another avenue of connection for the congregation of HCC.  You will notice “COMMUNITY” is in capital letters.  This is to emphasize that the church is not a location, a building or a campus.  The church is it’s people.  We join with other Bible-believing churches in the Eel River Valley of Northern California in praying for a true spiritual revival in this region.  We have a sense of mission to bring the love and message of Christ to this area and make disciples as the Lord commanded.  Although the road of life is paved with both joys and challenges, we are traveling that road together and rejoicing in the Lord’s faithfulness.  We hope you will enjoy this blog.  We are very thankful for the opportunity to serve you, partner with you and look forward to celebrating with you as you make strides of faith in the Christian life.  May God do a mighty work among us!




Hydesville is an old-fashioned sounding name and in fact the small town on 790 has an interesting history that includes this church building which has stood for over 100 years.  But the congregation the church building houses is a vibrant multi-generational group that is as up-to-date as much as its large city counterparts.  In fact, hundreds attend this church.  How do these seemingly incongruent factors add up?  The short answer is that this contemporary future-oriented congregation takes influencing the next generation seriously. Under the leadership of Senior Pastor Michael Delamarian III, this group regularly sends its staff members and volunteers to various conferences to keep current and up-to-date with what is happening with the universal church nation-wide.  The congregation also supports many long and short-term missionaries across the nation and the world.  These missionaries maintain vital relationships with those in the congregation and when they are on furlough come report back to the church of their life and mission.  Another reason the church in the old-fashioned building marches to a contemporary beat is that the church is event-oriented which means there is a continual message to reach out to the community.  To reach the community one must create common ground on a continual basis.  So the contributing factors of placing value on big city conferences, missionaries, events, creating common ground and having a strong emphasis in influencing the next generation help keep Hydesville Community Church alive and vibrant.


carwashRemembering our mission is easy when we use the short four words: Connect, Grow, Serve, Go!  Serving our community is part of living as a follower of Christ.  The kids, youth and adults from our church pictured above (and some behind the scenes) took part in a car wash to raise funds for Glen Paul School, an educational campus to support those with intellectual disabilities.


gideonBiblestudyBible Studies are one way we connect at Hydesville Community Church.  Through a study of God’s Word we connect to God as we learn more about His character and care for us both in history and today.  We also make a connection to each other as we share our life stories, how Jesus has made a difference, the joys and the challenges of life and everything in-between.  This is called fellowship.

Bible studies of various type are listed in the bulletin.  We hope you will join us and make a connection.  Oh, and in some groups the food is most excellent!